What makes business ownership so rewarding?  What are the challenges?  Why do so many new entrepreneurs make the leap while others never find the courage to do so?

Join us weekly on Wednesdays at 12pm EST as we talk with business owners who share their “big Why”.  You’ll discover the business ownership isn’t easy but it can be the toughest job you’ll ever love.


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Sabrina Teekah Founder The Teekah Group, LLC 732-718-5994 Teekahgroup@gmail.com TeekahGroup.com   The Main Reason so Many Entrepreneurs Struggle and Fail Many Entrepreneurs find themselves asking the question What is my next Step? Why am I so frustrated and overwhelmed? Why is this not producing results? WELL You’re asking the WRONG QUESTION! Then what is the right … [more]

Sonja Williams Co-Founder and Director of Marketing Go Getter Marketing Group Inc 404-992-2110 sonja@gogettergroup.com Building a Digital Brand for Your Business As we launch into a more “digital” age, small businesses need to constantly think of ways to innovate their processes and engagement with consumers. Establishing a traditional presence in the “offline” marketplace is of value, … [more]

Dara McMillan, Owner My Accessable Home 404-274-1488 dara@myaccessablehome.com www.myaccessablehome.com Home, Accessibility and Your Options…. You love your home but now your physical functioning has changed…either due to the aging process, or from an injury or accident. How do you continue to remain in the home of your choosing and have the most function and accessibility to the … [more]

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